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Laryngeal videostroboscopy (also known as laryngovideostroboscopy or video strobe laryngoscopy) is an important diagnostic tool that allows an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist to view the vocal cords in your larynx (voice box) in slow motion.
It uses a stroboscopic lamp, which gives out regular flashes of light. Either a rigid endoscope through the mouth or a flexible endoscope through the nose may be used to visualise the voice box after applying local anaesthetic.
Video pictures are then recorded while the patient is talking, singing or whistling and studied by the specialist.
A laryngeal videostroboscopy is used to diagnose voice disorders. These include:
During the procedure, your doctor will assess the situation and decide whether voice therapy, surgery or a watch-and-wait approach will be needed.
Problems are rare, but some complications that may arise from a laryngeal videostroboscopy include:
Parkway East Hospital is the preferred private hospital for residents in the eastern coast of Singapore.
Our skilled team of ENT specialists is experienced in diagnostic procedures such as laryngeal videostroboscopy, while dedicated to providing genuine and customised care that is close to home.
We offer a full spectrum of healthcare services under IHH Healthcare Singapore.
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