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Dr Jason See is a cardiologist at Parkway East Hospital, Singapore.
His subspecialties are nuclear cardiology, non-invasive cardiac imaging and echocardiography.
He treats various conditions including cholesterol, coronary artery disease/coronary heart disease and hypertension.
He is currently a visiting cardiologist at Changi General Hospital (CGH).
Dr See graduated from the National University of Singapore and obtained his Royal College of Physicians, UK membership and specialist accreditation in cardiology. He was awarded the Health Manpower Development Plan Award to pursue fellowship training in advanced cardiac imaging at the Royal Brompton Hospital, UK. He is trained in multi-modality imaging and holds diplomate certification with the National Board of Echocardiography, USA; Certification Board of Nuclear Cardiology, USA; and Certification Board of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography, USA.
He also has a keen interest in preventive cardiology and is an advocate for exercise and smoking cessation, having completed the exercise prescription course for primary care physicians. He is also a certified cardiac rehab practitioner and the programme coordinator of the inpatient smoking cessation programme at CGH.
Besides his clinical work, he is a clinical assistant professor in the academic clinical programme at SingHealth Duke-NUS cardiovascular sciences, and deputy director of medical student training in the academic clinical programme for cardiovascular sciences. He is also a physician faculty member in the SingHealth cardiology residency programme and faculty in the Singapore Medical Association’s Centre for Medical Ethics and Professionalism.
Dr See is a recipient of the Eastern Health Alliance Caring Award and Singapore Health Quality Service Award.