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Surgery for Sciatica? Understand the Facts First.

Surgery for Sciatica? Understand the Facts First.

While many find relief in non-surgical options, surgery may be necessary if other methods are ineffective...

What is a Myomectomy?

What is a Myomectomy

If uterine fibroids are causing you distress and you want to get pregnant in the future, talk to your doctor about the possibility of having a...

Surgery for Sciatica? Understand the Facts First.

Surgery for Sciatica? Understand the Facts First.

While many find relief in non-surgical options, surgery may be necessary if other methods are ineffective...

What is a Myomectomy?

What is a Myomectomy

If uterine fibroids are causing you distress and you want to get pregnant in the future, talk to your doctor about the possibility of having a...