Felix Tan Han Young
Family Physician
Source: Shutterstock
Family Physician
Getting a good rest, every night, is essential for optimal health and well-being. Getting good quality sleep is important for healthy brain function, and can help improve your mood, physical and mental health, quality of life, and safety. Not having proper rest can lead to serious and potentially life-threatening consequences and accidents.
Many people do not get enough sleep for their bodies to function properly. Some may not be getting the rest they need due to their work, family, or social obligations. However, some may actually have an undiagnosed and untreated sleep disorder that hinders them from getting the rest they need.
Sleep quality refers to how well you sleep and integrates aspects of sleep initiation, sleep maintenance, sleep quantity and how refreshed you feel after waking.
Getting good quality sleep means that you usually fall asleep within 30 minutes, sleep throughout the night or at least 85% of the total time spent in bed, waking up no more than once a night and falling back to sleep within 20 minutes if you do wake up.
Sleep disorders are conditions that result in changes in the way you sleep. Sleep disorders can lead to sleep deprivation which affects your life negatively, such as increasing the risk of health problems or even your ability to drive safely.
Some signs that you may have a sleep disorder include:
Some of the most common kinds of sleeping disorders include:
Insomnia: Having difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night
Sleep apnoea: Abnormal breathing patterns while asleep where the upper airway becomes partially or fully blocked, interrupting regular breathing for periods of time
Restless leg syndrome: A type of sleep movement disorder characterised by feeling discomfort in the legs causing an urge to move them
Sleep paralysis: Waking up and being unable to move or speak even though you are fully alert
Narcolepsy: A brain disorder characterised by extreme daytime sleepiness and falling asleep suddenly
Parasomnia: Having abnormal behaviour while sleeping such as nightmares, night terrors, sleep walking, and sleep talking
If you suspect that you have a sleep disorder, a sleep study or test is usually the first step to a diagnosis. Sleep tests are important to provide patients with a proper diagnosis so that they can start treatment to improve the quality of their lives.
A sleep test is an overnight, non-invasive examination that allows doctors to monitor you as you sleep to determine what is happening in your brain and body. During the test, an electroencephalography (EEG) monitors activities in your brain to identify sleep cycles and disturbances. Your eye and body movements, breathing, heart rate and oxygen levels are also monitored.
Typically, this will happen in a sleep lab that is set up for overnight stays. A private, comfortable and dark room with its own bathroom will be prepared for you. Do bring the items you use for your normal bedtime routine with you, as well as your own sleeping clothes.
A technologist will place sensors or electrodes on your head, chest and limbs before you sleep – this may sound uncomfortable but most people fall asleep without much trouble. If you are worried about not being able to fall asleep under these conditions, you will be happy to know that a full night’s sleep is not a requirement to get the information needed.
Alternatively, for added convenience, medical-grade wearables are also available for sleep tests, allowing you to track sleep patterns and key health metrics like oxygen levels and heart rate from home. These devices offer a practical option, though they may not capture as much detail as in-lab tests. Since these factors can play a role in assessing your sleep health, consulting a doctor can help determine the most suitable testing method for you.
Before a sleep test, you may be advised to:
Some people may not be comfortable sleeping in a place that isn’t familiar to them. In such cases, they can opt for home testing instead. Home testing is a simplified version of what occurs in a sleep lab. While home testing may sound more appealing, it is actually more for people with a high chance of obstructive sleep apnoea and who do not have other kinds of sleep disorders.
For a home test, a sleep technologist will provide a briefing and a home kit with instructions on how to use it. These tests are generally a lot more affordable than lab tests and offer the comfort and convenience of being in your own space. However, setting up the sensors correctly may require some guidance, and they may not capture as much detail as a sleep lab test.
Another option is a medical-grade wearable ring, which allows for sleep testing at home without a complicated setup. Worn on the finger for up to 3 nights, it tracks key health metrics such as oxygen levels, heart rate, and sleep stages, providing detailed yet easy-to-understand results. While wearable rings may capture more details than standard home sleep test kits, they are still not as comprehensive as a sleep lab test.
If you’re not getting good quality rest at night, feel constantly tired during the day, or suspect you have a sleep disorder, it’s important to consult a doctor. You may book an appointment with a general physician at Parkway Shenton clinics, or an ENT specialist. They can assess whether a sleep test, either home-based or lab-based, is necessary to address your concerns.